>> Pehla Pehla Plaster
Published April 07, 2006 by Half Moon Fletcher | E-mail this post 
How did it HAPPEN?
I was in my kiddy-mood-best. Planned a race to the classroom with Ritwika and Srishti (Black/White???). From the Computer Lab (Second Floor) to S-02 (Ground Floor).
The staircase to the first floor landing was unusually crowded.... Some sensible people stopped.... All the Sardar(s) went on.... Three-stair jump.... Enthusiasm fit.... Staircase trip.... OUCH!!!
I literally glided along\on my right foot, twisting the left....
Fell on my behind....
Again fell....
Srishti came....
I sat upright....
Hope renewed, thought of racing....
Just then Suresh Sir came....
I remembered my pain....
I ducked, almost crying....
He patted my mane....
(he) Found a joodi....
Cleared his hand away....
My toli of friends, held me, but swayed....
"Jyot", Tushar said "You must be over 100"....
I protested, "Not till I am a Father"....
Slowly, I got up, to go to the Clinic....
(Saksham; singing) "Babul ki duaye lete jaa"....
In the Clinic, Dr. Incompetent treated me....
While Dr. Incompetent 2 snored on the adjoining bed....
I called me mum....
Though it was not expected....
But she came....
Bas phir, I went to an X-RAY lab....
Got to know of my safe bone but torn ligament....
Got my leg plastered, and here, trapped for three weeks....
I am bidding my time....
In stillness and pain....
Though I am excited about my first plaster, but there is one thing that is more pressing. "Jab dard hoti hai, to Angelina Jolie bhi bhool jaati hai" (as quoted during a telephonic conversation with Matrix).
On a brighter note, I am coming on Monday with a Marker, so be prepared with some cool messages.
P.S. - People who care about me can call on 011-25224141/42464338.
it ws really cool...very unlike jyots style..i mean so many fullstops(......)
and short sentences...u could have exaggerated the way 2 the clinic a lil more.This could have beeen double its present length..A no. of other things happened in the way to clinic...(Tushar sayin"mote ko bas khilao,,apni jaga se hilao nahi")
nice one. sd's back btw. and she didn't ask once where is jyot!!!
anyways, as saksh said, it could've been longer. I want to know all tushar said on the way.
You think I'm some love stricken yearling, but I'm not.
That woman is someone, whom I respect with my all my heart and head. Not always because of the reasons you think but because she is a considerate person, ultra cool, jovial and open kinda woman.
She is one of those few (rare) teachers who at least acknowledges my presence without a frown, and considers me able enough to walk and talk.
But with creatures like Ummat, Richa ma'am, and Priya Narayan on the loose, who look for Abhinav Goel - Abhi Darling - Abhinav every time they get a hangnail, you'll never understand what I mean.
With all due respect, SUMAN DAGUR is AWESOME, SMART, and INTELLIGENT and hopefully, she will never change her colors.
Hey Matrix, if you want to invite S.D. to the blog, I feel this is the right time.
ok i'm sorry but i didn't ever say (nor intend to) that you're a love stricken yearling!!!! it was all in good spirit and I'm happy that you respect her and that she acknowledges your presence more than Ummat ma'am, Richa ma'am and Priya ma'am.
But I still feel we shouldn't invite her to the blog. That's taking it too far. Maybe we could do that once we're thru with this year (2006).
wat????? inviting ma'am to da blog??r u mad . teachers take out meanings we even fail to see. bhai saab, let this blog be free of such things. and matrix, i knew it wud only b girl's idea to invite her(not dat its a bad thing!!). please dont do this, i plead, i beg ur highness.......
and jyot,
sorry i forgot to say da real thing. the arti was too good. i was laughing my lungs out. btw, 3 instances of srishti!!! can i smell somethi..........
Two instances my dear mud boy, Artemis, not three.
It seems that you are far too eager to smell something, and hence the exaggerated act.
By the way, in the Clinic where I got my leg plastered, a South Indian nurse injected a pain killer (injection) - you-know-where.
So I was about to write:
"In the X-RAY lab a Rohil-Coloured nurse did her thing"
So you might as well be thankful to me for not publishing it in the first place.
"you-know-where", how could u??u urself said dat "u-know-where" was ur most divine asset. u wont let it go. how could u ?? shit!!!disgusting!!! anyways, as for da joke, i m tired of oversize and undersize ppl cracking the same joke time and again. pray to god, i dont have an AK-47 . else u wud have been wit ur forefathers till now. hehehe
i am serious actually
Something you said about "OVERSIZED PEOPLE".
I am on a strict diet. I really gotta lose some kilos.
And my behind ain't my divine asset. Joodi, maybe; but not ass. IN YOUR DREAMS.
it would be great if the geetikas join the blog...;Swati and Preeja but it would be really silly to have sd...every second article has a mention of ummat.dagars cool but u never know of her mood..
did someone notice, saksh's lang has improved!!! he's writing full words now!!!
It takes effort to write full words.But SANGATI KA ASAR HO RAHA HAI.