>> Cheapster, My God!
Published February 07, 2006 by impressionist | E-mail this post 
Ever since those three words came out of Capt. Richa Katyal ma'am's lips, it's been hovering over my head like 'Cheapster, Cheapster, Cheapster, Cheapster, Cheapster...'. They were spoken in another context, but it brings to mind my image of a miser. Do you really think I'm a miser? If you do, I wish to slap you all, with an article that shall shut the mouths of all such mongers.
About the farewell money, everybody calling me miser, get your facts right. When I made the confrontation with a completely clueless and answerless Ms Suman Dagur (who kept on saying 'you mean all this is a farce' or 'do you think we are going to eat your money?'), the entire class was with me, including Rohil, Sanchit (surprisingly), and everyone else present in the room. I heard applause at my arguments at least thrice. Surely, the entire class couldn't be misers. And by the way, when we were promised lunch, we waited and waited and waited and what we get finally is snacks in the evening when everything else was over. Sagar almost died of hunger! Who you calling cheapster?
About me buying refills to pens, rather than changing the pens when they are used up, seriously sit down and do a rethink. It seems to me that those who ridicule this act of mine are actually trying to say that all pen makers are stupid fools to sell refills separately when they should only be selling pens if they were not to be refilled. I fail to understand how my buying a refill for my pen qualifies me as a miser. It perhaps is the most logical thing to do when the pen's been used. Yes, I have a pack of refills that cost me Re 1 for 10 refills, but if it is available at that price, why should I buy 1 refill for Rs 4? There is no difference in quality, in fact, it works better than any branded refill.
About my rebelling against the school whenever there is a demand for money, guys, I don't have so much money to give the school whenever they ask. I am not a charity organisation that can dish out funds apart from the exorbitant school fees for every damn thing. And mind you, I've paid for 3 picnics, 1 trip, and for a lot of other things as and when demanded justifiably. Moreover, I've dedicated the last 4 years of my life to the school, what more do they want? I did what I was told to every time, I worked freelance (i.e. without even a mention) for the school mag (perhaps that's why the principal told me during the interview for appointments - "Take up the post of Vice-Captain Jhelum House, we can always rope you in for the mag.") I don't say I've done them a favour, because the school's given me as much as well, and I am grateful, yet I have the right to question where my money is being used.
We used to get Monday Test sheets for Rs 5, now they cost Rs 10 (ok, they're a little larger, but definitely not twice as large). It is ridiculously outrageous in my opinion, because the school should provide it in the first place, and if they don't they must ensure the best price for their students. The school made all the money during the fete, because all the gifts were brought by the students. Still they ask for development fee? I don't understand.
And the same teacher who said those words... Cheapster my God, although in a different context, yet which pinches me as though accusing me of being a miser... (I have full respect for her) said to us, "Decide what you're going to give us next year, when you leave school!" Tell me who's the cheapster?
So, what do you have to say? If you have some more evidence of my being a miser, I'd like to know, and perhaps slam it, or change myself for the better if guilty. Tell me.
hey abhi
are you online
Guys, it was kind of an outburst, so please don't take it to heart. But I'm definitely serious about the last para.
oh god abhi. buying refills or not going to a picnic is fine. but paying 250 bucks or buying gifts are a part of our life that teaches us to give away our materialistic approach once a while. i guess some money wasted teaches us the value of money. anyway dont take it to ur heart. its my personal opinion. after all that is wat a blog is for.
hail goel
(for a change - its not 'hey abhi' for after reading this, it cant be. You deserve some respect Mr. No-cheapster-no-miser-man-of-words-ummat's-pet-sweet-boy-who-goes-to-picnics-writes-mag-articles-bears-the-the-tag-vice-captain-jhelum-soon-to-be-head-boy-applause-recieving-lunch-never-sharing-stand-alone-boy-who-alone-gave-4 yes 4 years-to-school-if-i-type-more-i-will-die-of-laughter-or-expolding-bladder)
Dont you dare remove this comment.
Anyways, i have a hard copy.
Want me to say anything more?
jyot, i knew something like this was coming. but really, i was serious, and so should you be. I don't mind the comment, but I'd like to clarify, I never said "-stand-alone-boy-who-alone-gave-4 yes 4 years-to-school-", in fact, I think all of us have done that, and therefore, have the right to question if the school does something wrong. (It's not funny, by the way). And my not sharing lunch hasn't got to do anything with my concern for my money (i knew you'd point it out), it's something else.
And to matrix, I really fail to understand how those 250 Rs contributed to the development of my generous and selfless and emotional being, because, I still don't think any of the 12thies are going to recognise me for the 250 Rs I spent for their farewell. And mind you, it's better to not waste money and still realise it's worth, rather than after wasting it. Anyways, I didn't want to prove that I am any sort of messiah who's changed the school or anything. It's just that it was 4 years (yes 4 years) of me alone (yes alone) bearing the brunt of everyone calling me a miser, without anyone ever giving it a second thought that even I might be right.
Ummat's pet, well, as you please, but I got the benefit and no one else did (so boo to all who say that I am Ummat's pet). Applause receiving, I hope I never boasted about it, I tried to earn it at every point (maaf karo agar koi khata hui ho toh). Picnics, yes was a big thing, because in our family you're not allowed to spend so much for one day out (and i've had more traumatic moments on that one trip to Ranikhet, than ever in my life, so i paid for shit). And forgive if I offend exploding bladders, I mean all this, and you better respect it.
(I'm angry)
hey abhi
(see i am normal again)
aye, i didnt mean to bust no balls.
i am so sorry.
i ofcourse recognize the cause and your reasoning and i support it, and will do even if the school hog-ties me, brands my chest with a "traitor" symbol, rip me apart, cut my hair(i'll be glad) or gives me hangnails.
did you forget cheapster,(no offences, just a mode of refernece) that i applauded\clapped in the 'applause recieving' ceremony.
do i really look like an insolent beast that would hurt your emotions? have you really forgotten the mosquito confrontation?
what i said was for fun, and fun is what it is meant to be.
if in the way i splurge or burst some bloating ego('s), then i am afraid cheapster,(again just a reference) that you have forgotten the true meaning of humour.
Now you tell me, valuing money more or humour is important to the one who talks of human vaues in poetry, in debates and in intellectual talks.
hey mister, if you are angry then i am sulking. And for those who dont know, a sulking jyot is worse than a wounded sumo wrestler.
BEWARE(i do hope you get the humour this time)!!!
hail abhi... hail cheapster... hail jyot and hail the wounded sumo wrestler.
P.S. these two comments have gone so long that we should post both together on the blog. it is going to be the best thing.
I am waiting for your rebuttal, cheapster.
cheapster (only a reference) chooses not to comment any further than this - @#$%$%&&%*!@!!! (try decoding it). btw, your imagery usage is repulsive, yet original.
couldn't have agreed more, cheapster.
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