>> Hey Everyone
Published February 01, 2006 by blogger marauders | E-mail this post 
The marauders are here. Finally.The big question… and the answerReasons to put up this blog1)I see this guy in school, get angry (reason or no reason) and want to kick him. I cant do that there with Ragini ma’am within 100 miles radius, what I do is that I come back home, switch on the computer , open internet explorer and…( let me skip this shit. Since you are here once,let me assume that you will probably know what to do to visit this blog next time. If not, then go to middle of the road and shout the following words aloud three times - “I LOVE CHEMISTRY!!!”. You are bound to get a few stones thrown at you to get your mind in shape). Then, I write everything that I wanted to call “him” on this blog. Something like –“ You are nothing but a dog. Not even a Labrador. YOU @$##$%&(&$%!!!!”.2)You can actually get in touch with your old friends like Anmol and Sahil through this blog.3)Most of you nerds need to open up a bit. I guess I don’t know the names of at least 10 people in our class.4)It is cool, and is better than Geetika (Kaushal and Mutreja) coming to our class in the recess to initiate the process of gossip-ing.5)You wake up in the middle of the night. You had a dream that Ragini Kaul is hanging upside down. You die with laughter wishing that it comes true. You share it with us. Enough of this. Jokes apart, you are allowed to write anything on this blog or just say hi to anyone. You can actually get in touch with ur old friends like Anmol and Sahil thru this blog. What makes blog so much fun is that u can see what other people are saying to other people. This blog is gonna rock. Believe it (and if you don’t, u r in real trouble)
P.S.-Girls, u r really invited to blog. We need some decency on this blog.(obviously, this is flattery)
Hey guys - Rohil & Jyot.
Hail the two of you. Although even I tried to cough up names for the blog, i.e. i'm trying to make my contribution taken notice of, nevertheless great job done! Ragini upside down is one helluva thought! I'm thinking of something to post. By the way, can we change the password to anything that does not have the 26th and 24th letters of the English alphabet, because they don't work on my keyboard!!
Bye, I hope we all will keep it up!
Hey, I've got some ideas. Rohil, let's try and give it the look of that theme we saw in class today. And let's kind of change the feel of the blog to make it more sinisterly exciting. We can work out something using flash.
Also, I think there should be some mechanism of informing everyone about updations. Do you agree or do you think it's too far fetched? Lemme know.